Lisa Zanetti

Columbia, Missouri

Lisa A. Zanetti is an Associate Professor in the Harry S Truman School of Public Affairs at the University of Missouri. She is co-author, with Cheryl Simrell King, of Transformational Public Service: Portraits of Theory in Practice (2005). She was a collaborator on Government is Us: Public Administration in an Anti-Government Age (1998) and Government is Us 2.0 (2011). She is currently working on a book about empathy as a primary value in the public sector. Her work has appeared in Administrative Theory & Praxis, American Review of Public Administration, Administration & Society, Human Relations, Journal of Organizational Change Management, and a variety of other outlets.

She is also active in disabilities advocacy, having invisible disabilities.

Lisa Zanetti loves coffee, snow, and travel, is the proud mother of two adult daughters, and is managed by two cats.

  • Work
    • University of Missouri
  • Education
    • Ph.D., University of Tennessee, 1997