Lorenzo Rodriguez

Lorenzo Rodriguez

Greetings! Hola! Bonjour! Guten Tag! Ciao! Shacha! (For those keeping track, that last one is Vulcan. Just covering my bases; you never know exactly who is reading this - I GOT YOU ALPHA CENTAURI!)

My name is Lorenzo or known to many others as just simply Zo. You stumbled upon the central hub to all of my online platforms. I'm very active online and welcome all types of communication on this great digital frontier (careful with snakebites and contracting dysentery). I'm passionate about pop culture, film, television, sports, music, art, news, current affairs, social media, technology, crocheting, competitive hopscotch, alchemy and arcane magic... but I digress.

Here's hoping you enjoy what I have to offer online.

AND REMEMBER... The Power Is Yours!! (Aw, damnit. I probably owe someone money for that now, don't I?)