Louise Jennings

I've worked as a Graphic Designer for over ten years now and love what I do. So much so that I can't imagine doing anything else!

Over the years i've been very lucky, working alongside some wonderful people, for fabulous clients. Clients like Williams Formula One, Team Lotus, Capgemini, Artificial Solutions, Frontier Economics and Practicus on the larger corporate scale, through to local charity organisations, florists and documentary film-makers.

As a bit more of an insight, and probably only for those with not much else to do...

Things I love include: Tea, quiche, cake, typography, long walks, paper, print, letterpress and twee folksie-indie music.

Things I dislike immensely: Bad spelling, arrogance, aches & pains, tuna fish and boy-racers.

Why not say 'Hello', or visit my website if you'd like to know more.