Lydiah Nyawira

Nyeri town, Nyeri County, Kenya

I have been a professional journalist for the past 4 years but writer for most of my life.

I have been at the helm of my own publication and have now joined The Standard Newspaper.

I studied at Daystar University for my Undergraduate degree in Electronic Media.

I have been a hands on working mum to my two sons and that, has been my most fulfilling role yet.

To have your name associated with greatness is often an accomplishment few get to achieve. However for some Kenyans just being Kenyan is great. Of course it is not about being born a Kenyan it is about living as a Kenyan.

I am a patriotic kenyan woman who loves her family and her motherland.

I am a writer, a lover of music and a true believer in Justice, Compassion and Honesty.

These I strive for everyday.

I live with the belief that I am here because I have purpose and I am alive to accomplish my purpose for a time such as this.

I love the words of Maya Angelou, " Courage: the most important of all virtues because without courage you cant practice any other virtue"

  • Work
    • Standard Newspaper
  • Education
    • University Graduate