Machelle D. Williams
I am a diversity practitioner with 20 years of experience in managing across generations and cultures. I am experienced in developing corporate diversity and inclusion strategies. I am an accomplished presenter and facilitator who helps people access the simple truth in complex ideas and philosophies and apply those learnings to their everyday lives.
My point of view is shaped from always working from the outside in. As a woman, ethnic minority, single executive and childless working woman, I have a perspective that allows me to see the issues of diversity and inclusion from all sides. My strength lies in helping others, from the boardroom to the shop floor, also see them in a supportive, respectful, and engaging manner.
Career Accomplishments:
- 2015 DiversityINC Top 25 Most Notable Companies for Diversity
- Recognized at "Emerging Leader" at the Rainbow Push Automotive Summit 2014
- Lead Diversity initiative that was recognized as a Best Place to Work by the Human Rights Campaign achieving a 100% score on the Corporate Equality Index five times since 2008.
- Keynote Speaker at Southern Automotive Women's Forum 2013
- Honored as 2012 “Woman of the Year” by the National Association of Minority Automobile Dealers and
- Savoy Magazine 2012: 100 most influential black women in corporate america
- Member: SHRM Tasksforce on Diversity Standards
- Professional Mentor: Save a Girl Save the World
B.A. from Drake University, Magazine Journalism.
Workshops Available:
- Men and Women at Work
- The Impact of Racism
- Working Across Generations
- Working Across Cultures
- Performing in Our Diverse World
- Communicating In Our Diverse World
- Managing Your Professional Image