Malcolm Lunt

Piano Tuner Technician and Piano Bass String Craftsman in Pretoria, South Africa

Read my blog

I’m autistic and I thrive on sensory input.

I'm a creative genius according to my friends who were around me for 5 months (MDT 2014#1) - I'm friendly at heart with loads up my sleeve in terms of what I can offer in skills.

I'm a Piano Tuner/Technician and Bass String maker by trade.

For current information, visit :o)

I'm learning the three-finger method for the banjo and I can play the violin and piano too, although I'm not the greatest, unfortunately, I do not take formal lessons...

I have worked as a technician for office systems, networks, hosting email, websites and cloud storage.

  • Work
    • Piano Tuner Technician
  • Education
    • St Alban's College
    • CTI - IT Tech
    • OM MDT South Africa (Team 1)
    • UNISA and then SATS
    • The Piano Man