Malena Iansiti

Greater Boston area

Malena Iansiti

Greater Boston area

Curator of awesomeness! Wantrepreneur earning an ALB in Psychology and a minor in Legal Studies and Marketing Management at Harvard University Extension School. Class of 2015.

I plan on starting my own media consulting company some day but for now, I am working to grow and engage my audience on and @MegalizeMedia. Megalize Media is a blog containing my insights and opinions about anything in the digital media space. The content can range in topics such as news in and about social media, news about innovation and technology to behavioral economics and digital marketing. I aim to Megalize content as I gain more knowledge in this space and hope you engage with me on this journey. Megalize Media aims to sizably increase the amount and the extent of organic reach to a million+. Megalize Me as I megalize you!

  • Education
    • Harvard University Extension School