Marcin Nowakowski

Web and Mobile technology passionate since 2003. During semi-school i've starded working on commercial projects as a Web Developer. Now i'm a Front / End Developer specializing in modern Web Technologies and focus on User-center Design.

Currently I have been developing Web Applications basen on technologies: PHP5, Java, JavaScript, jQuery, Extjs4, (X)HTML(5), CSS using Zend Framework and CakePHP.

Expert knowledge in e-business, SEO, usability, Mobile and Web Technologies and Linux.

(X)HTML(5), CSS, PHP5, JavaScript, jQuery, Ajax, Zend Framework, CakePHP, Smarty, Doctrine2, MySQL, Flash ActionScript, ExtJS4, C/C++, Java, PostgreSQL, Linux, Windows Server, Novell, Ruby on rails, Adobe Photoshop, Gimp.