Mariana Sousa
I’m a HR Coordinator, in a Software Engineering company. I like management and I even majored in it. Fortunately I work surrounded by very creative people, which is something I like very much. With time I became almost as geek as my co-workers and the people I recruit (computer engineers). This gave me access to new sources of knowledge and awareness. But there always has to be more happening for me. I’m curious and restless by nature, therefore I’m always searching for my next cause. For a long time I made some work in the human rights defense. At the same time I started a garden, and then a vegetable garden. Now I became an agro-geek.
Among other things, success is very important to me, or at least acknowledgement for a good work. I don’t believe in destiny, as the exclusive force that directs us, I believe that I must have some saying in what is going to be my next level. That is why one of the concepts I've learned lately, that most influenced me is Seth Godin's Linchpin.