Marijana Batinic

More ideja - public relations creative agency, Artist, and Photographer in Croatia, Zagreb

Marijana Batinic

More ideja - public relations creative agency, Artist, and Photographer in Croatia, Zagreb

About Me

Ad maiorem Dei gloriam.

Hello! I’m Marijana Batinić, owner at More ideja - public relations creative agency. Living in beautiful Croatia, Zagreb.

My passion for innovation led me here!

My greatest vision that turns into the main mission is to bring through my work a new hope, create authentic brand stories we trust, and thus create a more enthusiastic world.

Stories matter and engage us on deeper emotional levels.

That's why I love to use in storytelling a super honest approach based on deepest core values and beliefs.

What's your story? How authentic it is? Why should anyone believe in it?

My second great passion is photography so I love to combine photography with storytelling to convey a more powerful message to the world.

Especially love to capture and discover through my leans all the beauty, celebrate nature and all the magnificent wonders that our dear Lord creating for us.

My Interests

  • leadership
  • photography
  • entrepreneurship
  • writing
  • innovation
  • Work
    • More ideja . public relations creative media agen
  • Education
    • London school of Public relations