Marine Couteau


I grow up in Angers, France, and studied industrial biology in Cergy Pontoise, near Paris, France (

I am the co-founder of Leka, a young start-up developing smart toys to help exceptional children live an exceptional life.

You can say hello here : !

I can be introvert, but I am proud to be :) In this way, I am a huge fan of Susan Cain and her talk at TED.

What you should know about me :

* My mum (ex-teacher with kids in France) is the one who gives me the key to understand the power of playing and creativity : everyone can learn and flourish, if you build on their strenghts.

* I played basketball during 12 years, and I am waiting to get back on the court again.

* I love running since I am a little girl (I keep some nice pictures with sweatsuit I wish I had never worn!). I prefer run alone to get totally lost in my thoughts.

* I always have a DIY idea in head, and love to have a lot of notebooks to write or draw them. Pinterest and papers of todo list are my best friends.

  • Work
    • Chief Autism Officer at Leka
  • Education
    • Engineering Scool of Industrial Biology