Marta Botet Borràs

Hello! My name is Marta! I'm thirteen years old and I'm a Gemini. I was born in Barcelona the 28th of May of 2.000! I love that i was born in 2.000, it's such a special number! I live with my mum and dad in Barcelona, and I have 5 cousins and two grandmas.

I like drawing, reading and writing, singing and dancing, and a new afficion in my life is photography. I love to capture the beautiful moments of life and show them to people trough my eyes.

My favourite singer is Selena Gomez and band is One Direction. I also like watching films and TV. I love editing videos and doing stuff on the computer!

Okay, so my favourite things are:

  • Animal: Dolphin.
  • Colour: Blue.
  • Number: Two.
  • Day: 28th.
  • Subject: History.

The sport that I have always wanted to try but that I know that I would stink at is surfing. ;) Im veeery clumsy!

My favourite sports are swiming and sking.

And my favourite football team is BARÇA!

When I grow up I want to be a LOT of things but, some of them would be teaching, being a writer, a cinema director and an artist!

I love my friends and family!

I hope that now you now a little more about me!!!