Matt Aimonetti

Santa Monica, California

Matt Aimonetti is a co-founder of Splice, a technology platform for music creators which streamlines the fragmented process of creating and sharing music, freeing musicians to spend their time and energy on the creative process. Before Splice, Matt was a former sound engineer who tried his hand as an artist before transitioning to full time programming. Previously, he served as the core platform services tech lead and senior manager of LivingSocial. He also worked as a video game developer for Sony Playstation. Matt has been active in the Open Source community for many years developing or contributing to many projects (Merb, Rails, MacRuby and many more), is a published tech author for O’Reilly and spoke at many conferences in the United States and abroad. Matt is based in Los Angeles, California.

  • Work
    • Splice
  • Education
    • Ecole Superieure des Arts & Media