Matt A. Myers

Matt A. Myers

Entrepreneur, Life Learner, Yogi. I've been involved in technology for 20 years.

My life has taken me on a path of helping people find health and well-being in their own life.

I have a goal to help implement a preventative and proactive healthcare system in Canada - and develop a model the world can follow. I'm starting a charity that is aligned with this effort. I will be building my personal brand around this, and as a leader and teacher of wellness.

I believe Carlota Perez is correct in her theory that the next technological revolution will be with a society focused on wellness and well-being - eliminating inefficiencies and waste such as planned obsolescence.

I believe facilitating socializing, and engaging people, is the key to wellness - we are social beings after all. To reflect this, I have plans to develop a network of online platforms to help facilitate real social engagement in local communities.

I am focusing my initial efforts on developing a home for the yoga community called I Live Yoga.