Matt Argall

Miami, Florida, United States

Matt Argall was born in Los Angeles, California in 1980. His family moved to Canada a year later, where his parents, both chiropractors, established a successful chiropractic business. When Matt was eight years old, his parents sold the business to return back to US, now settling in Florida. They applied the experience from their practice in Canada to open two clinics in Florida, which they ran until 2012 at which point they sold them as well.

Matt attended middle school in Florida, where he met Ali, who would soon become his best friend and his first business partner. At age 17 he helped Ali to save a big online company, taking care of marketing, while Ali was in charge of the administrative work. They kept the focus on the online market, selling wholesale products online. The idea was to sell items such as area rugs, Bombay chests and all kinds of bedroom furniture on EBay and send auctioned items directly to their buyers, an idea that was entirely novel at the time. The business grew fast and soon they had up to 300 auction sales per week. Matt’s first business venture came to an end after September 11th, 2001, when Ali all suddenly disappeared.

So how does a successful businessman get into the Citizens Commission on Human Rights International, a nonprofit organization whose stated mission is to "eradicate abuses committed under the guise of mental health and enact patient and consumer protections”? During his teenage years Matt belonged to Scientology and as part of the church membership, one of his duties was to help the human kind. In order to do so he had to choose a group he wanted to support. He picked the human rights commission, following his deeply rooted interest in helping people.

As part of his work for and with the human rights commission, he started looking into their marketing, especially the group’s telemarketing efforts, curious to see how people could make so much money in that field. This is how his marketing career started: Filling the position as treasurer and later as president, he was in close contact with people making donations to his human rights cause, who all happened to come from marketing companies. Instead of trying to reinvent the wheel, he seized the opportunity to learn from their experience.

At the age of 21 he started working for MCI Inc., where his job was to sign up people for 12-months long cell phone contracts over the phone, approaching both, customers who had n