Matthew Milam II

Minister, Teacher, and Author in Chicago, Illinois

Read my book

Ordained Minister, Teacher, Author, and Student of God's Word...
My passion - The study and teaching of scripture.

I think being a Christian is widely misunderstood, especially by today's young people. Values of mercy, justice, compassion, and forgiveness are the embodiment of Christian Living... the subject I mostly cover in my writing. A serious look at the love of Christ and why an understanding of it is necessary, would go a long way in the lives of many.

I come from humble beginnings, growing up poor in the streets of Chicago. After working hard and achieving a fair degree of success, I suffered a major setback. I lost everything I had. Homelessness, poverty, and marginal living, are things I know about from personal experience. I'm very much concerned with the world and the state of human condition and I try to relate to its issues.

I spent 20 yrs. living depressed and homeless on the street. I would probably still be there if not for the “Grace of God.” Today I write and speak publicly about my experiences from a “Biblical Standpoint.” I’m a firm believer in the “Gospel of Christ” and His gift of salvation. The study of scripture... along with obedience... really can affect life in a positive way.

~ Change is possible ~

Presently, as a Deacon of South Side Gospel Church (Chicago, Woodlawn), I teach Bible Study and oversee the church ministries. My book, "The Jesus Command" (WestBow Press), is a guide to Christian Living. It uses Biblical Principles, Candid Discussion, Scripture, and Christ's Own Words to unlock Discipleship. (Watch Trailer on Youtube) I'm donating the proceeds to help the Homeless and poor as I won't ever forget were I came from or those, like me, who are still hurting.

I'm also the founder of The Hands Of God Ministries... an outreach serving those in need. It’s not about me, it’s about... “His Will” and "The Work of His Kingdom.”

As I said... on my own I would probably still be lost, but...

"With Christ I am more than a conqueror."

I'd be happy to speak to your group about making an... "Effective Change."

  • Work
    • Hands Of God Ministries