Matt Ruggles

Video Producer in Atlanta, Georgia

Visit my company website

7th Wave Pictures formed in 2003 in Atlanta, Georgia by me, Matt Ruggles. You want more???

Okay, I started working in the broadcast video rental business as a rental coordinator. In this position I rented broadcast gear to networks, productions companies, and freelancers. I already had a basis with my degree and the hands on with the video and audio gear provided further knowledge. By the beginning of 2002 business had taken a significant downturn and I was shown the door along with several other colleagues. It was a kick in the butt to pursue my interests. In March of 2003 I setup a production company and part of that was selecting a name. What does one do? I took to my CD collection and started looking at song titles. 7th Wave was a song by That Petrol Emotion and I added Pictures to the end of it. A Wave was born!

On a more serious note I really love what I do and I love the variety of work. I want to exceed the expectations of my clients. Telling stories is what I am most passionate about.

Do you have a story you want to tell? Reach out to me.

In the meantime here is a link to our latest video

  • Work
    • Video Production
  • Education
    • Bachelor Degree in Telecom & Film Eastern Michigan University