Mary Stich

Mary Stich

A short space to let my visitors know who I am....I'll try my hand at being succinct.

I definitely don't mean to define myself by my work or what I do, but alas, as it turns out, I'm one that loves to work. Currently working in media account management I prefer to think of myself as a professional juggler, more main stage than side show. I have the unique ability to balance clients and their expectations, branding and budget, and campaign objectives through diverse product suites, all while being an entertaining and bubbly gal.

Outside of my daily three ring circus I've mastered the art of me. Between fashion and my compulsive shoe hoarding, haphazard urban adventuring, and sprinkling in a bit of martial arts training, I seem to have tamed the beast within...for now. Who knows, I continue to surprise myself by pushing the limits, so this profile could be expanding soon.