Melanie Burger

Portsmouth, NH

By day I'm a Social Media Consultant at Buzz on a Budget, which means I get to play with social media and websites for much of the day. By night, I am the wife of one, mother of two, and owner of two dogs. Somewhere in the middle I make time to catalogue books at the Langdon Library, sit on the board of the Seacoast Social Media, give presentations on the latest and greatest in social media, walk dogs at the New Hampshire SPCA, and spread adorable pictures of those dogs across the interwebs on my A Doggie A Day blog.

On a professional level I love digital marketing, communications, public speaking, and working with project teams. I'm also a pretty huge fan of social media management and blogging.

In my personal life I love to cook, read, learn, and laugh. Also: pub trivia! I do NOT love balloons or mean people.