Meredith Mansour

Lubbock, Tx

Meredith Mansour is a second year undergraduate student pursuing a double major in management and marketing at the Rawls College of Business at Texas Tech University. Meredith enjoys being involved on campus in a variety of ways. She is an active leader throughout Greek life, in which she holds two appointing officer positions. She also serves as a member in National Society of Collegiate Scholars, Order of Omega, Tech Marketing Association, and a member of the Lubbock Chorale. Each of these positions allows Meredith to grow as an individual and develop different leadership qualities. Meredith is a very organized, involved, and dedicated student who prospers off of new experiences. She has had many work experiences, most pertinently working in the food industry for Omni International Hotels. This opportunity allowed her to develop outstanding customer service expertise, gain knowledge of team management, and generate computer skills. Following her graduation in May 2016, Meredith’s future career ambition is working for a hospital pursing health organization management.

  • Education
    • Texas Tech University