Metropolitan Medical Associates

Englewood ,NJ,US

Maintaining a full staff of experienced obstetrician-gynecologists, Metropolitan Medical Associates serves the referral needs of women who have gynecological conditions, including menstrual irregularity and uterine fibroids. The practice also provides contraception management support and undertakes abortions in cases of pregnancies that present difficulties. Committed to fully meeting women’s health care needs, Metropolitan Medical Associates frequently receives referrals from local health care practitioners.

Metropolitan's physicians have more than 100 years of cumulative experience and maintain hospital privileges with the Englewood Hospital and Medical Center. They take pride in having complication rates that are significantly lower than the U.S. national average. Both surgical and non-surgical abortion options are available, with surgical risks minimal when procedures are undertaken during the first trimester. The entire operation, including recovery time, typically takes two hours. Metropolitan Medical Associates emphasizes confidentiality and answers questions by email and through phone counselors, who are available six days a week (from 8:00pm to 6:00pm).

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