Michael Harbison


This Is Mychael Harbison with FaceTheThorneMusic President & Ceo of FaceThe Thorne Music Were God is First,I am concerned about reaching all people with the Gospel thru song and word.I am a Composer, Arranger, Song Writer, Singer,Musician,Skilled in playing keyboard,Piano,Organ,Bass,Lead and Accoustic Guitars,My Wife also sings with me,We often travel together.Have played & Traveled with Bishop T.D.Jakes in W.Va.God has given us a love and concern for all souls,from the homeless and drug addicts,sex addicts,street women to the rich and famous and political arena. We want to let all know that Jesus is truly real,and wants to love and save all,Inspite of how people may act,even in the church,Jesus died for all men, women,boy's and girls,know matter the race our color,Jesus is coming back for a holy people,that love and reaches out to all people,in the name of Jesus.and remember in all the destractions you may go through, to get you to doubt god's word,the holy spirit is there to refresh and renew you,so the devil can't touch you. God bless!!! Mychael

  • Work
    • Thankful Baptist Church