Michael Yarichuk


Michael Yarichuk


Scott Hanselman in his blog post - Dark Matter Developers: The Unseen 99%, coined a term that could be applied to me for a long time - "dark matter developer".

I didn't have a blog, I didn't do a podcast and did not have or participated in any open-source projects. This is changing now, and from a dark matter developer I am turning into a gray matter developer - still not fully in the light of the community, but getting there. I have opened a blog, I maintain multiple pet project repositories in GitHub and in general, I hope that I can contribute to the community after many years of being a part of the unseen 99%.

Now, about software development - based on many long hours of me writing and reading code, I can positively acknowledge that developing software is not *just* a job for me - it is my passion and my hobby. I truly enjoy reading and writing code, and if it is a challenge or a difficult problem - its a major bonus!

  • Work
    • Software developer