Michaela Moser

Vienna - Austria

I am part of the wonderful http://www.wohnprojekt-wien.at a cooperative housing project in Vienna and work as a lecturer and researcher at the Ilse-Arlt-Institute on Social Inclusion Research at St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences, Austria.

My key interests and areas of research and activism are participation, inclusion and dissidence. For many years I have been involved in the Austrian http://www.armutskonferenz.at and European Anti Poverty Network http://www.eapn.eu

I love cooking as much as lecturing at universities (most of the time I really do) and organising seminars and workshops, using what I've learned over the years as an Art-of-Hosting practitioner http://www.artofhosting.org and Sociocracy Ambassador http://sociocracyforall.org and http://soziokratiezentrum.org

What is important to me in theory and practice can be found (in German and English) in: https://abcofgoodlife.wordpress.com - an "Alphabet of Good Life" which I've written together with eight other women and in the Dubrvonic Manifesto on the Breakthrough of the Social - https://soziales-kapital.at/index.php/sozialeskapital/article/view/667 - written and adopted by the participants of the Dubrovnic School of Social Work Theory and Practice in 2019.

Weitere Infos über mich (in Deutsch) gibt's hier: http://www.fhstp.ac.at/ueberuns/mitarbeiterinnen/moser-michaela

Find me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/michaelamoser

  • Work
    • St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences