Michele Guidarini

“I was born at the foot of the Amiata mountain, an uncontaminated land that has culturally stopped at the Middle Age like those places and buildings of which my town, Arcidosso, is made up. I immediately understood that i wanted to experience new things and so i started to study graphic design and became interested in the art issue. I went to the Florence Academy of Art, school of fine arts and there i found a schocking atmosphere full of contemporary protestants from 1968 that thought they could go out and be artists with a brush, a palette, and an handmade canvas, figuring nudes and landscapes! Likely i got in contact with the craziest teacher of the situation and i didn’t touch a brush neither a color for four years; on the contrary i recut, i pasted, i photocopied and i drawn fast stretch of thoughts. I migrated to Switzerland where i went on with my graphic work in a couple of well known studios in Lugano and San Gallo. I came back and after a while i set up a studio on my own with a room dedicated to my little art collection. I studied the communication for companies and institutions. In the meanwhile i went on with my love for art trying to get into the role of the artist in this mad world. After being involved with low level galleries and events, i landed in Milano where i contributed with the Art NHow Hotel and the Rojo Gallery. After a series of exhibitions and pubblications on various mags, i entered the Mondo Bizzarro Gallery http://www.mondobizzarrogallery.com/ wherewith i’m working right now. An undoubtedly autobiographical and liberating gaze in which the “absences” – of arts, proportions – are not limits, but perspectives. The deformed macrocephalous subject is not oppressive, but smilingly desecrating, it’s imposing, laughing at reality and skimming the trash.In Guidarini’s small works can be recognised the “promise of an artist”. It is as if with his brushstro-ke he faces the construction of a dream, populated by an imperfect humanity, in which, these drea-ming mutant beings try to narrate his human image.