Midori Connolly

Sales Director, SaaS, and Mother in San Diego, California

Visit my company website

A native San Diegan, I fell hard for technology in my teens and have since loved using the wonders of the technium to spark innovation and inspiration. I am a sustainability passionista...it's no coincidence my name means green and I have green eyes!

I lovelovelove working in technology and have had the privilege of traveling all over the world, speaking to audiences of thousands as well as facilitating little educational groups of 10 adults. And that is equally good, as long as my listener walks away with at least one new piece of knowledge or way of thinking (oh, did I mention I am a Montessorian and Phi Beta Kappa?)

I also love to golf, hike, fish, ride horses, swim in the ocean, spend time with my family...and, especially, I enjoy losing time in daydreams and the latest editions of Wired and HBR.

So why contact me? Well, as of March 2016, I have the great joy of being able to offer a technology that literally has the power to change the world. As a Sales Director with Everyone Counts, I'll be modernizing the antiquated, inefficient process of voting and elections for associations, unions, boards, financial institutions and other governing bodies. I promise we'll love getting to know one another, so reach out today!!

  • Work
    • Everyone Counts
  • Education
    • San Diego State University