Michael Fernbacher
Name: Michael Fernbacher
Usually Called: Mike
Sometimes Called: mikefern
My position: I am an Assistant Director in the Office of Student Conduct at UD. In that capacity, I deal with all sorts of conduct and discipline issues, primarily those that occur in the residence halls and in classrooms (academic honesty.) There is never a dull day in the office and always something new to learn.
Experience: I have been a member of the Office of Student Condcut for 10 years. During that time, responsibilities have included:
- Serving as a hearing officer, determining responsibililty for all types of cases, and sanctioning up to and including expulsion.
- Coordinating all academic honesty violations reported to the Office.
- Teaching educational seminars assigned as sanctions, including an eight-week academic integrity course.
- Maintaining the Office's website, including creating an entirely new site to be consistent with University web presence standards.
- Managing the Office's budget.
Education: B.A. Journalism/History, Indiana University; M.A. Student Affairs Practice in Higher Education, University of Delaware; Ed.D. Edcuational Leadership (in progress)
Interest Area: I am very interested in why and how students are academically dishonest, especially regarding plagiarism. I would like to explore how technology has influenced the instances of plagiarism and how technology can be used to help students learn how to avoid plagiarism (and other types of academic dishonesty).