Mike Riddell

Wigan - The Heart of The Soul of the North

I'm just a northern soul trying to make the world a better place by persuading others that our 'way of life' and our 'state of mind' are something more than just words.

So, to give you a feel for who I am, here is a little bit about me.

I will do whatever it takes to educate others on the benefits of finding peace in themselves, and peace with the world.

I will do whatever it takes to spread the wonder of love. Lennon and McCartney called it when they reminded us 'Love Is All You Need'.

And I will also do whatever it takes to fund and sponsor and find the money to support anyone or any organisation that is willing and able to promote understanding of Mother Nature and Mankind. We're all different, and beautifully so.

I won't fuck anybody over. Ever.

I won't sell my soul to the devil. Ever.

I won't give up the good fight. Ever.

And I hope I don't sound arrogant when I say this, but I passionately believe that hard work, finding love and being humble are the secrets to a healthy, wealthy and happy life.

SO that's me then. A simple but loving Northern Soul doing his best to show the world what good looks like.

  • Work
    • Currency developer
  • Education
    • Sheffield Poly