Mike Scorelle
Software Engineer and Web Developer in Greenwich, Connecticut
I specialize in creating a software that creates efficiencies from formerly manual processes and makes them scalable. I bring a non-tradition background to programming including 15 years in sales, leading sales teams, which drives me to create software that impacts the bottom line instead of developing for development's sake.
I have deep knowledge of publishing, advertising, conference development and financial services. I have touch on other industries in my career and can adapt to other industries without significant ramp up time.
Currently, I primarily create web applications utilizing the LAMP Stack although I have created a couple of small iOS apps in Objective-C (although honestly I would not call myself an iOS developer yet). Currently adding to my skill set by learning Haskell, Python and Java. I have a huge interest in Big Data and developing ways of serving clients the information and services they need at the time that they need them.