Mila Araujo
Mila Araujo
If I had to identify what drives me, the answer would be helping people. I like to see people happy. Regardless of my position, all roads lead to the same place: serving people & society, doing my best to be a part of what is positive in this world.
My background is diverse. I studied French Cuisine & Restaurant Management, owned a catering business; studied Public Relationsat McGill University; I've been Director of PR on several non-profit projects in healthcare (local & national) including the 2003 Cross Canada Walk for Health-Encouraging underprivileged youth to build healthy lifestyles (Awesome). I've worked as a consultant in Corporate Social Responsibility & PR; I'm currently Director of Personal Lines Insurance for Ogilvy & Ogilvy.
I'm fortunate: I love what I do, I love the people I get to interact with IRL ("In real life"), in my field, on the web & in the community. I love diversity & travelling. I've lived in Los Angeles, Paris, Hawaii & currently Montreal. I enjoy life every day, always sharing through photos.
I believe knowledge is the path to change. Most importantly, I believe in being the change in the world by helping wherever and whenever I can. I am proud to be an official ambassador for #140Conf organizing the event in Montreal 2012
I believe that with a little sunshine there is no limit to what we can do. If you follow my blog, you'll find sections on Personal Insurance & Social Media. I'm priviledged to be surrounded by many brilliant minds online who I'm thankful to learn from & share with every day. #UsGuys is my tribe. You can follow me on Twitter.
"The world needs dreamers & the world needs doers. But above all, the world needs dreamers who do"~SB Breathnach.
Be the dreamer who does.