Marino Linaje

Researcher, Professor, and Maker in Extremadura, España

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I began working with WebApps in 1997 and I founded MultipleCaracter in 1999 with some friends. After a couple of years, I thought creating WebApps was a tedious and repetitive task - when you know how to do it ;-). So, I got an Ms.C. and a Ph.D. in Computer Science at the Universidad de Extremadura, where I am teaching and researching in the Quercus Software Engineering Group.

My research focused on Rich Internet Applications (RIAs, now regular WebApps!) mixing Web Engineering, Multimedia and Human-Computer Interaction points of view. Using that knowledge, we founded Homeria Open Solutions S.L., a company focused on Model-Driven Development of RIAs.

Currently, my research deals with the calm integration of software (i.e., data, processing, and visualization) and hardware (embedded systems, smartphones, etc.) around us to improve everyday tasks. These systems include Internet/Web of Things, Ubiquitous Computing Systems and related topics (wireless sensor networks, microcontrollers, wearables, agile development,...).

  • Work
    • Universidad de Extremadura
  • Education
    • Ph.D. in computer Science by the University of Extremadura