Monika Manchanda


An ex-IT person and a corporate slave, now a food entrepreneur, I run Sin-A-Mon which does food consulting and home baking. I love eating and love cooking even more. I enjoy experimenting in the kitchen and trying out new recipes, and sometimes adding something new to the age-old recipe to give it a twist. Cooking and baking is an art and hobby that resulted in my blog Sin-A-Mon Tale and later let to a food enterprise called Sin-A-Mon 1.5 years ago after quitting my 11 year corporate stint in software development and management. Through my home-based boutique baking setup my goal is to bring home baking to everyone. At Sin-A-Mon we also take on food consulting projects like dessert, menu designing and some amount of food writing. We also offer training to restaurants, cafes and individual enthusiasts. Sin-A-Mon also brings workshops to kids to encourage their creativity and pass on an important life skill to them.

Apart from the food part, I also like to do my bit for the society with an online Child Sexual Awareness campaign I run every April

Personal/Travel Blog:

Food Blog :

Work Website :

For food/travel writing or food consulting requirements please email me by clicking below

  • Work
    • food, food writer, food consultant, home baker