Mike Pugh

Social Media Manager, Editor, and Small Business Owner in Queens, New York

Mike Pugh

Social Media Manager, Editor, and Small Business Owner in Queens, New York

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Started online as a blogger aka author of the web for a cool writers network known as Hubpages, and content curator on Pearltrees (A network for social curation and teaming). Over time became a Social Media Specialist on places like YouTube.

"I enjoy beta testing new networks, sharing and collaborating with many people on the social web today."

He recently landed a huge partnership with BBTV and the NBA known as NBA Playmakers. It's become his recent career highlight as a YouTuber. He just got started this past summer with such a bright new opportunity.

"Networking online has opened up the digital doorways for my writers voice to get heard worldwide, my online persona to grow via authentic communications."

Looking to peep what he's up to today check out his videos on either the Virtual Intel or Basketball Skillz YouTube Channel locations.

You can also join his Social Media network community via his website.