Kristofer Orre

Teacher in Saratoga, California

Kristofer Orre

Teacher in Saratoga, California

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I consider myself a jack of all trades, a problem solver, hard worker, and an innovator. I think that is why being a TOSA is the perfect role for me. Being a TOSA requires a great deal of versatility and problem solving. I believe that like our students, all teachers are at different places in their growth, learning, and need for support. I hope to bring a level of differentiation in support and professional development for our staff that I have strived to give to my students. I want to meet people where they are at, and help them with what they need.

I have ten years of teaching experience, first at Gilroy High School and then, beginning in 2013, at Saratoga High School. As a teacher, my teaching practices are always designed to maximize student engagement and learning through innovative techniques that employ technology, inquiry, dialogue and hands on experience, including the implementation of a blended classroom utilizing Canvas and differentiating instructional practices in a Co-Lab Special Education classroom. I have taken a leadership role in the district’s SEL (Social Emotional Learning) team and the development and implementation of professional development events. I have also served as a Canvas Master Teacher and early Chromebook cart adopter. I am also a Google Certified Teacher. I hold a Bachelor’s Degree in Ecology and Evolution and a Master’s Degree in Education from the University of California, Santa Cruz.

  • Work
    • Saratoga High School
  • Education
    • BS Ecology and Evolution
    • MA Education