David Ingram

Thanks for checking out my page, I'm a Bolton based SEO professional who has a genuine passion for helping clients achieve search engine success.

I'm a strong believer in doing SEO the right way; and by that I mean SEO that really works, and adds enough value to my clients sites to pay for itself.

To me good SEO should always offer a positive ROI, even if it's longer term.

Many clients I work with have had their fingers burnt in the past, and are very wary of the SEO industry. I aim to overcome this and not only instal trust in my clients, but turn them into SEO evangelists who will pronounce to the world the services of hard working, ethical and effective SEO companies.

If you'd like to chat about anything SEO, or would like some advice on your current website performance, please feel free to send me an email or hit me up on Twitter.

Very few things make me happier than chatting SEO. Those things, in no particular order, are:

  • My baby daughter, Bonnie
  • My lovely finance Susie
  • Watching videos of the 1995 Blackburn Rovers Premiership win

Check out my SEO agency: www.bringdigital.co.uk