Randy Mujica

Sr Software Engineer in Florida, USA

Call +5619322428
  • I am a Software Engineering Team Lead at Apple with around 11+ years of experience in the industry.
  • I'm passionate about building Distributed Systems using Cloud Computing, Docker, K8s, DDD, Event-Driven Architectures, Resiliency, High-availability & AWS.
  • I have a strong focus on Big-data & Data Engineering with experience building data pipelines and ETL workflows using technologies like Apache Spark, Hadoop, Hive, Airflow, EMR, AWS Athena, Glue, S3, ECS, EKS & others.
  • I am 3X AWS Certified with Data Analytics Specialty.
  • I currently create cross-functional solutions that range from infrastructure using Terraform to BigData using Apache Spark in EMR.
  • I'm driven by a strong passion to create systems since I was 14-year-old kid when by then I learnt programming.
  • Work
    • Apple
  • Education
    • University of Informatics Science