Nick Lombard

Pretoria, South-Africa

There's nothing quite like sipping a cup of joe while browsing gorgeous source code. Then there are those moment where inspiration takes over and it would seem you're channelling some alien super intelligence as no way could this come from you.

I would see these mundane pleasures survive for generations that follow. It's not about free software, you'd be mistaken. It's about open and freely available source, to transfer knowledge, to excel, to reach the next levels of our evolution, together.

Welcome to my little corner of the interwebs where you can find out all, where I'm from, the things I do, what I know and all the little words that make me buzz.

Feel free to follow links to my online footprint where you are sure to catch me in the act or drop me a line if you want to ask me any questions, get my opinion on something, or maybe you have an opportunity you want to run by me? Even if you just want a chat, it would be awesome to hear from you.

  • Work
    • Senior Software Engineer
  • Education
    • 19 years Computer Science equivalent Occupational Experience
    • 27 years Autodidactic Accumulation of Knowledge