Nicky Mortlock

United Kingdom

Since 2012, Nicky Mortlock, with a profound belief in creative potential, has been Director of ArtiPeeps, a not-for-profit collaborative creativity and well-being organisation which specialises in large-scale collaborations that introduce epic pieces of literature to new audiences (communities & schools). With a background in arts management and BBC drama script editing, she runs ArtiPeeps on a voluntary basis showcasing emerging creatives from around the globe through online platforming opportunities and imaginative large collaborations which are administered virtually. ArtiPeeps, due to Nicky's diagnosis of bi-polar affective disorder in 2004, also has a strong interest in mental health issues and its links to creativity, well-being and recovery.

Nicky has created and managed two successful Arts Council funded large-scale collaborations: in 2014 Transformations, inspired by Ovid's Metamorphoses involving 31 global creatives , and in 2015, The Nine Realms involving 45 creatives inspired by the nine realms of Norse mythology and the Poetic and Prose Eddas. She is presently planning a national tour of the two projects for 2018/19 and is working hard to secure core funding, find staff to support the work of ArtiPeeps and consolidate all of ArtiPeeps' potential.


Driving all our work is a belief in creative potential and in the power of the combined arts to transform perceptions and facilitate enjoyment in the arts.

Through our projects we hope to go into schools and communities to:

Engage the imagination and senses.

Promote interaction, participation, collaboration and creativity.

Move people from attendance to 'active participation'.

Challenge and shake up perceptions of art and culture which create barriers to engagement

Give creatives the opportunity to make a difference

We also believe that creativity, in all its various guises, plays a significant part in maintaining our well-being. This specific interest is made manifest by our mental health themed initiatives.

ArtiPeeps Core Values:

  • Respect
  • Collaboration
  • Communication
  • Integrity
  • Care

If you would like to take up a showcasing opportunity or take part in a large-scal