Burda Ellis

Student, Artist, and Writer in Auckland, New Zealand

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Hey, I’m Burda.

I was an art student at MIT, but now that I've graduated after so long been there studying everything about WHAT IS ART?! That's gonna be one of my new blog titles one day. I'll probably turn that into a Graphic Novel idea. STOP! I said it first! I'm calling dibs~ MINE! Okay, now where was I... Oh, yes. Let's continue:

I am currently living in Auckland, New Zealand. I am such a fan of DC & Marvel Comic Books and any other Graphic Novel out there. I'm still trying to figure out how I'm writing Children's Books, but my work is mostly around making my own comics with young Teens and Adult Graphic Novels that have a whole lot pictures in them and not just piles and piles of useless boring words. I’m also interested in mystery and fantasy novels. It shows my current project I've been working on for 3yrs now. I really have to stop adding new characters and changing the plot over and over again.

I haven't finished my first book yet. But, you can view my portfolio, click on the button above to see for yourselves.

Thanks a bunch. &maybe we'll talk soon. Bye4now.

  • Work
    • MIT Library
  • Education
    • Faculty of Creative Arts, Manukau Institute of Technology