Nidia Orozco

sales in Long Beach, California

Nidia Orozco

sales in Long Beach, California

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B.A in Public Relations & Minor in Business Administration

Expected Graduation: May 2013

Nidia Orozco is currently a Senior at California State University, Fullerton. She is a full-time student majoring in Communications/ Public Relations and Minoring in Business Administration. She is employed at a Children Group Home as a Certified Direct Service Professional.

Her career goal is to become a Public Relations professional in the Tourism & Travel Industry. Her interests also include Hospitality PR and Fashion PR.

Orozco is the Public Relations Interm at Interval House, (Crisis Shelters and Centers for Victims of Domestic Violence) a non-profit oranization in Long Beach, Calif. She works on fundraising activities, research and database entry along with event planning and marketing.