Nik Matt

Orlando, FL

Starting as a simple hobby, I began my long and passionate relationship with web development at the brisk young age of thirteen by teaching myself HTML and CSS. By the age of fifteen I had already started distributing open-source templates amongst the various popular-at-the-time sites like OSWD and ClanTemplates, and by the age of sixteen I had began my dark descent into web development proper by self-learning PHP and MySQL. Over the years since I have been involved in a wide variety of projects as both a contract and full-time developer, in addition to contributing to several different open source projects (most notably Wordpress and jQuery), and as a result my skills have expanded to include a very wide range of web technologies; in addition to development on the two major mobile platforms, iOS and Android, as well as the now seemingly-defunct webOS.

The work I've been responsible for runs the gamut from simple static business websites to full proprietary data management systems with heavy mobile components. My professional experience also includes varying levels of graphic design, including brand creation and UI/UX design, usually tied to development projects I led or was involved in.

In addition to web and mobile development, I also have a strong knowledge and understanding of music theory, production, performance, composition, and audio engineering, with a similar history that parallels the experience outlined above. I am very eager to build upon my existing professional experience in these fields through film, television, and video game sound production and scoring, should the opportunity reveal itself.