

Hi, my name is Tracy. I am a wife to an amazing husband of seven years and we have 3 beautiful children. I stay at home with our children ages: 5, 3 and 7 months. I am a first year homeschooler to our daughter and I love to cook and bake.

This blog will be a documentation of my journey to take my family to a completely non-GMO life in 60 days. My 3 year old son will be the main focus as we attempt to heal his G.I. problems through food as well as see if it helps the symptoms of my endometriosis.

A little background. For 11 years I have suffered from a disease, endometriosis. There is no cure and no hope for change, it is frustrating to say the least. I experience varying levels of pain daily and in recent years I have started developing intense G.I. problems. We have been told by Doctors that I will need a major surgery in the near future. We consistently ask for prayer for healing and are doing all we can to research other natural options.

That’s me. Now we add our little Bradley to the equation. Since he was born he has had G.I. problems. As a newborn he suffered with acid reflux, and now as a toddler he has bowel trouble, stomach aches, is losing weight, problems with sleeping and overall is just not “feeling great”. I had this feeling as a Mother that something “was not right”. So we started talking with a Pediatric GI Specialist the last few months and have discovered that he has problems with absorbing food properly and has a high fat content in his stools. They are suggesting an Endoscopy to explore his gut for Celiac’s Disease or other GI issues…I have done a mild “gluten free” diet the last couple of weeks and noticed a change, but it still was not completely improving certain things.

We have watched different documentaries such as: Food Inc, Fat Sick and Nearly Dead and Forks Over Knives. We are aware of the food problem we have here in our country. Although these were shocking non of them pierced me like this one… It is a documentary on YouTube called Genetic Roulette. I was shocked and felt so sad that I could have unknowingly cause these problems with Bradley (and myself) because of the food we were eating. We had no idea the damage food containing GMO’s (Genetically Modified Organism) could be to your body. Please watch the documentary so you can learn about them and follow our journey.