Norma Casas


A native from Puerto Rico, Norma Casas has been an educator for over 23 years. He has also worked as an interpreter and translator as well as been a certified life coach. She holds a Masters in Spanish, an out masters in English as a Second Language, an Ed.S. , and Ed.D in Educational Leadership.

Writing has been her passion from an early age when she started journaling about her life and surrounding events. Since 2008 she has been a contributing writer to several online magazines and conducting an expert page in the Self Growth community. Ms. Casas manages her own blog, Living Out Loud, where she shares inspirational writing, life skills, and empowering strategies. Her passion for education, people, and cultural exchanges has taken her to far and diverse places. It was upon her return from India that she published her first book, The Power of Us: Evolving Women One at a Time, a real life journey through many times and spaces; past, present, and future. It tells the stories of the real women of the sacred circle, those who raised her, and how they reappeared in her life to remind her about forgotten life lessons. It invites women to embark in the pilgrimage of awakening, reclaiming their divine being, carving a new path of acceptance, self-love, and heart centered service to the world.

Her most recent book and first published fiction: Called to Ribbon Dance: A Short Story of Hope, is a tale through many lives that urges the reader to challenge personal beliefs about life and dead through the path of unknown ancient teachings. It is a call to dig deeper in our memory, pay attention to life's messages, and reach out to the ultimate truth that bind us as one.