Oktaviana Muuttiadewi

Yogyakarta, Indonesia

A Student of International Mathematics at Yogyakarta State University class of 2009. 21 years old.

love googling, watching movie,Listening music, travelling, love chalengges,hunting tasty yummy foods, reading some books.

I interested on series of Paulo Coelho, why men can't listen and women can't read the maps, why men Lie and women cry,why men wants sex and women need love, stengah isi setengah kosong, series of harry potter, Steve Jobs (baru setengah baca :D), Negeri 5 menara,Ranah 3 warna. My Favorit Books absolutely Filosofi Kopi by Dee, Notes From Qatar,Khadijah, Fatimah. Those are really some inspiring books. :))

Usually listen Secondhand Serenade,Paramore, Good-charlotte, Simple plan, huge grant and shayne ward, Adele (lagu galau..ahhhaay).

Adore to the Prophet of Muhammad SAW, Fatimmah Az-zahra RA, my parents, Anies Baswedan, Ibu Jussuf Kalla, B.J.Habibie.

I am friendly, adorable, easy going, good listener,trusty and funny. Feel free to know me furthermore :)

  • Work
    • students
  • Education
    • mathematics