Orlando Dozier


Orlando Dozier


Current Art Projects: Creative Rising | Art Takes Paris | Saatchi Online | Dancing Paintbrush

Bio: I am an Artist and have a never ending thirst for technology and the sciences. I’m always painting in my mind, and whether the images spill out of my imagination via paint pigment on canvas or digital pixels on screen, the process is valid and true to my commitment to communicate and engage my viewers by invoking emotions. I develop, foster, and promote the relationship between social media and art. As we become closer through our social media connections, I feel art should reflect these relationships, showing how information flows between the two. Social networks have made art real time and my work is an attempt to reflect that immediate turnaround of life to art and art to life. I am a Democrat and mostly lean to the left. I believe America is a nation that is at its best when we work together. I have on occasion voted for a Republican (never for a Conservative). Republicans and Democrats are not that far from each other on many issues and my true Liberal friends and family are very fond of reminding me of that :) My life has been varied and full. I am not as religious as my mother would like me to be, but I am a Christian with Moslem and Atheist friends and family members. I respect everyone's right to believe or not believe in whatever. I am a twenty year retired veteran and have worked on everything from boats to bacon. I spent over 14 years abroad defending our great nation and hopefully promoting goodwill with many other people and cultures. The phrase "I am because we are" comes from the African word Ubuntu. Ubuntu has many meanings, but the one that I like the most is; A person with Ubuntu is open and available to others, affirming of others, does not feel threatened that others are able and good, for he or she has a proper self-assurance that comes from knowing that he or she belongs in a greater whole and is diminished when others are humiliated or diminished, when others are tortured or oppressed.

  • Education
    • University of Maryland