ovey yeung 楊傲斐

People, Strategy, and Consultant in Remote

ovey yeung 楊傲斐

People, Strategy, and Consultant in Remote

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Ovey is a Communications, Product and Innovation Consultant with a background in agency, technology startups, innovation, and change management in large governmental organizations.

Ovey has 18+ years in scaling companies globally and is specialized in cross-border businesses, organizational change management, and digital transformations. She led the implementation of the first Olympics (2010 Winter Olympics) to have a digital-first communication strategy and helped Hachette Fillipachi launch ELLE.com. Previously, she founded oy&co, a marketing communication agency with clients in the finance, civic, and fashion space, and founded Y57, a youth radio show broadcasted across Canada on the FM dial. Ovey had the privilege of speaking at TEDxSFU and as the keynote speaker at Digital Health Canada's conference "Ahead of the Curve".

Ovey caught the startup and innovation bug in 2011 when she led the growth from inception, product-market fit to go-to-market for 4 startups, of which, 2 were acquired (Facebook and Rakuten). After experiencing 2 accelerators herself, Ovey contributed to the ecosystem by developing and establishing incubators and accelerators at Beijing TsingHua University and University of British Columbia.

During this period, Ovey went through a life or death experience and has been advising, consulting and speaking on system changes to the Canada’s Healthcare system. She specializes in health data, AI, persons driven regulation policies, and digitization that promotes patient centred care. Ovey is currently committed to making healthcare accessible and impact-driven projects through digital transformations.

When not attached to her iPhone and advocating for self sovereignty, you can find Ovey playing tennis, ultimate frisbee, golf, or adventuring outdoors.


Ovey擁有超過18年的全球化公司規模拓展經驗,專長於跨境業務、組織變革管理以及數字化轉型。她曾領導2010年冬季奧運會的數字優先傳播策略,成為奧運歷史上首個採用此策略的實踐者,並協助赫斯特媒體集團成功推出ELLE.com。在此之前,她創辦了oy&co,一家服務於金融、城市管理與時尚領域的行銷傳播機構;同時也創立了Y57,一檔在加拿大全國FM頻道播出的青年廣播節目。Ovey 很榮幸曾在 TEDxSFU 演講,並擔任加拿大數位健康協會「Ahead of the Curve」會議的主旨演講者。


