Pam Metzger

Relocation in Boulder, Colorado

Pam Metzger

Relocation in Boulder, Colorado

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I am currently the Director of Relocation and Corporate Services at WK Real Estate in the Boulder/Denver area. I am a Certified Relocation Professional (CRP) with the Worldwide Employers Relocation Council, a Global Destination Specialist (GDS), a Global Relocation Professional (GRP) by Leading Real Estate Companies of the World, and a member of the Relocation Directors Council.

In 2017 I will serve as the Chairman of the Relocation Advisory Council for Leading Real Estate Companies of the World. At the local level I will also serve as the Co-Chair of the Business Women's Leadership Group with the Boulder Chamber of Commerce, as Secretary of Executive Women International - Denver, and on the ELEVATE Longmont committee for the Longmont Economic Development Partnership. I am also a member of the Boulder Area Human Resources Association and the Rocky Mountain Relocation Council.

I have a diverse background with a BS in Engineering from the University of California, Berkeley, an MBA from the Wharton School, a Masters degree in Engineering from the University of Pennsylvania and experience in aerospace, consulting, freelance art, marketing and accounting. I have been a Boulder area resident since 1993 with a family of my own and have a wealth of community and area knowledge that I enjoy sharing with individuals and families.

  • Work
    • WK Real Estate
  • Education
    • University of Pennsylvania Wharton School, University of California