Pete Smith

Web Developer in Raleigh, North Carolina

Pete Smith

Web Developer in Raleigh, North Carolina

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I've been around since 1200 bps modems were the toys of the very rich. I spent my early years in the restaurant business in The Hamptons, but life changed when I bought an Atari 400 (complete with cassette deckstorage device)!

I got hooked on being online in the days of Compuserve, GEnie & BBSs, then jumped to the web when it first transitioned out of schools and government offices. At the time I was writing for a computer gaming magazine (Strategy Plus) and we were building a web presence. My time on GEnie as an unpaid volunteer 'sysop' qualified me to run our online forums.

That led to web development and community building, but over time I've left the latter behind. These days I build sites for a privately owned publishing company.

I've worked in everything from Lotus Domino to Tcl-based Vignette Storyserver. Currently most of my work is in ExpressionEngine and Wordpress, but I'm always looking for excuses to learn and use new web technologies.