Paul Supawanich

Urban Planner (Transportation)

Committed to helping individuals and communities make transportation more efficient, more active, and less auto-focused across the country. I'm a urban planner that works at the nexus of public transportation, complete street design and pedestrian safety.

I've lived, studied and worked in San Francisco for the past five years. The Bay Area has given me the fortune to be able to merge my professional interests with my personal hobbies while allowing me to watch the technology industry influence transportation - for the better. Within the industry, I have a passion for trying to connect people through professional organizations or our monthly "transit-oriented beer" Happy Hours. I'm always interested in listening or talking about transportation and how it influences the community in which we live. Additionally, I've been involved with the growing sharing economy by renting my car to my neighbors - hopefully with the impact of enabling others to live car-free if we can share my own.

Transportation fascinates me for a variety of reasons. Yet, the main reason - and why I'm in this field today is the way it combines sociology with technical problem solving. Everyone has a transportation experience - some good, some bad. As a transportation planner and engineer - we try to make those bad experiences better, while making those decisions (hopefully) for the greater good within the realms of public health, air quality and the built environment. I am fortunate to work for a firm that shares these values and pushes the envelope in terms of transportation in the United States.

  • Education
    • BS Industrial Engineering, Georgia Tech
    • MS Civil Engineering, UC Berkeley
    • MCP City Planning, UC Berkeley