Peter Economides

Think of branding as a conversation with the consumer.

Everything you say and do, and everything you don’t say and don’t do, communicates. Absolutely everything, from the 30 second commercial you run on network television, to the way your telephonist answers the phone. Brand strategy is not just the brief you provide to your creative team. It is the heart and soul of your brand which needs to be clearly understood, absorbed and adopted by everyone who communicates. And that means everyone in the organization. This has always been true. And it’s the secret behind some of the world’s best brands. It’s even more true in today’s world where the conversation is in fact millions of conversations happening in the one on one interactive environment of social media.

Peter develops powerful brand strategies which marry brand DNA with consumer insight to make management vision a reality in today’s complex marketplace, by creating a brand culture and vocabulary instilled in everything your brand says and does.